Rural Girl Child Education: Need of the Hour

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Author Name :- Parul Chandani,Dr. Gurudatt Kakkar,

Journal type:- NJRIP-National Journal of Research and Innovative Practices

Research Field Area :-  Commerce and Management ; Volume 5, Issue 7, No. of Pages: 12 

Your Research Paper Id :- 2020070116

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Abstraction :-

Education is very important for every child whether boy or girl. It is sad that some communities still discriminate against the education of the girl child. Education is the key factor for girls’ empowerment, prosperity, development and welfare. Discrimination of girl from womb to tomb is well known. There is continued inequality and vulnerability of girls in all sectors – economic, education, social, political, health care, nutrition, right and legal etc. Girls oppressed in all spheres of life, they need to be empowered in all walk of life. In order to fight against the socially constructed gender biases, girls & women have to swim against the system that requires more strength. Such strength comes from the process of empowerment and empowerment will come from the education. And rural transformation will come from girl’s education. This paper focuses on girl child education in rural areas because it enables them to gain basic knowledge of good living-being, responding to the challenges, tackle their traditional role as being daughter, wife and mother. All these faces of life are equally important and here comes the role of education to improvise their thinking and standard. So the importance of education can’t be neglected in reference to girl’s empowerment.

Keywords :- 

Girl child education, Gender inequality, Provisions for girls’ education, rural

References :-

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