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Author Name :- Tarun Jain,,

Journal type:- IJCRI-International journal of Creative Research & Innovation

Research Field Area :-  Commerce and Management ; Volume 8, Issue 7, No. of Pages: 3 

Your Research Paper Id :- 2023010505

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Abstraction :-

In this restructuring movement a demerger trend appeared in the late 1980s and in early 1990s and this seems to be continuing (Dearlove, 1995). Large conglomerated like ICI, Hanson, AT&T, and most recently Thorn/EMI demerged drawing the close attention of the analysts.

Keywords :- 

CORPORATE RESTRUCTURING, Demerger, Diversification, conglomeration

References :-

1. Alexander, N., Quinn, B. and Cairns, P. (2005), “International Retail Divestment Activity”, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management.

2. Buckley, P. J. and Ghauri, P. N. (2002), “International Mergers and Acquisitions: A Reader”, 1st Edition, London, Thompson.

3. Champlin, D. (1998), “Toward an Ethics of Corporate Restructuring”,International Journal of Social Economics, August.

4. Antila, E. M. and Kakkonen, A. (2008), “Factors Affecting the Role of HR Managers in International Mergers and Acquisitions”, Personal Review, August.

5. Faulkner, D., John, C. and Pitkethy, R. (2003), “Organizational Change Processes in International Acquisitions”, Advances in Mergers and
Acquisitions, Vol. 6, Pp 59-80.