An Analysis on Management of SHG Federation’s in Rajasthan

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Author Name :- Shikha Vyas,,

Journal type:- NJRIP-National Journal of Research and Innovative Practices

Research Field Area :-  Commerce and Management ; Volume 3, Issue 1, No. of Pages: 7 

Your Research Paper Id :- 20180606

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Abstraction :-

The progress under microfinance sector in India has registered a remarkable growth in the past three decades covering more than 77 lakh SHGs and around 9 crore households of which 2.5 lakh SHGs have been promoted in Rajasthan. Microfinance in Rajasthan has also undergone a sea change in the past few years in terms of credit dispensation, financial inclusion and other services to the rural poor. The major stakeholder in Microfinance sector in Rajasthan comprises NABARD, RAJEEVIKA, Directorate of Women Empowerment, ICDS, NGOs and MFIs. Every SHG federation is having 10-12 employees working for development these SHG members. The paper highlights the basic features of SHG federations, Human Resource Policies and Practices of SHG federations, its need for social and economic development of the society.

Keywords :- 

Management , SHG , Federation, Microfinance

References :-



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