Stress and Coping Strategies Among Parents of Children with Hearing Impairment

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Journal type:- NJRIP-National Journal of Research and Innovative Practices

Research Field Area :-  Department of Education ; Volume 10, Issue 2, No. of Pages: 6 

Your Research Paper Id :- 202501021718

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Abstraction :-

Having a child with a disability is a major event that negatively affects families and forces families to reconsider their plans, goals, and relationships and to re-evaluate the limitations associated with the child’s disability and the resulting stresses in their parents, and their competence in coping with these stresses. Knowing the nature and levels of stress faced by families of children and the competence in coping with them, and the strategies they use, are important issues in family counseling programs, and should be a key pillar in training programs for parents, as they are more likely to face the developmental deficits and challenges in a child with a disability, (Glidden, 2012, pp314.)

Keywords :- 

Parental stress, Coping strategies, Hearing impaired children

References :-

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