Inclusive Pedagogy & Teaching-Learning Resources: A Comprehensive Exploration

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Journal type:- NJRIP-National Journal of Research and Innovative Practices

Research Field Area :-  Department of Education ; Volume 10, Issue 2, No. of Pages: 4 

Your Research Paper Id :- 202501021715

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Inclusive pedagogy is a transformative approach that fosters equitable learning environments where all students, regardless of their abilities, backgrounds, or learning needs, can thrive. Teaching-learning resources play a crucial role in shaping an inclusive educational framework by addressing diverse learning preferences and accommodating varied instructional needs. This paper explores the historical evolution of inclusive pedagogy, its foundational principles, the impact of teaching-learning resources, and the challenges faced in implementation. Additionally, it presents strategic solutions for promoting inclusive teaching practices within educational institutions. The study employs an in-depth analysis supported by scholarly references, offering insights into the significance of inclusive education in modern pedagogy.

Keywords :- 

Inclusive pedagogy, differentiated instruction, universal design for learning (UDL), culturally responsive teaching, accessibility in education, special education, assistive technology, learning accommodations, teacher training, equitable education.

References :-

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