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Author Name :- Neha Sharma,,

Journal type:- NJRIP-National Journal of Research and Innovative Practices

Research Field Area :-  Commerce and Management ; Volume 5, Issue 8, No. of Pages: 7 

Your Research Paper Id :- 2020080113

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Abstraction :-

Cosmetics refer to all products used to care for and clean the human body and make it more beautiful. The main goal of such products is to maintain the body in good condition, protect it from adverse effects of the environment and the aging process, change the appearance and make the body smell nicer. Thus the products used for the purpose of cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness or altering one‘s appearance are termed as cosmetics. Any of the several preparations (excluding soap) applied to the human body for beautifying , preserving or altering one‘s appearance or for cleansing, colouring, conditioning or protecting the skin, hair , nails , lips, eyes or teeth are included in Cosmetics and are commonly termed as `Cosmetics and Toiletries.‟ The Beauty and Personal Care market or the Cosmetics and Toiletries market as it is alternatively known, consists of the retail sales of over the counter healthcare products, skincare, hair care, makeup, fragrances, Colour Cosmetics, Baby Care, Oral Care, etc.

Keywords :- 

Cosmetics,Beauty , Care, aging

References :-

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