Barriers to Digital Inclusion in Education: Challenges and Solutions

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Author Name :- MR. RISHABH KUMAR,,

Journal type:- NJRIP-National Journal of Research and Innovative Practices

Research Field Area :-  Department of Education ; Volume 10, Issue 2, No. of Pages: 4 

Your Research Paper Id :- 202501021703

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Abstraction :-

Digital inclusion in education is fundamental for ensuring equitable learning opportunities, yet it remains an ongoing challenge due to infrastructural deficits, socio-economic disparities, digital literacy gaps, and cybersecurity concerns. This paper presents an extensive discussion on the historical evolution of digital inclusion, contemporary challenges, and potential solutions, incorporating real-world case studies and academic perspectives. Utilizing the APA 7th format, this study provides a comprehensive analysis supported by scholarly sources, illustrating the complexities of digital inclusion and the strategies needed to bridge the digital divide in education.

Keywords :- 

Digital inclusion, education technology, digital literacy, socio-economic disparities, cybersecurity, broadband access, equitable learning, infrastructure, accessibility, online education, technological divide, digital equity, ICT in education, learning gap, digital empowerment.

References :-

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