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Author Name :- Neha Sharma,,

Journal type:- IJCRI-International journal of Creative Research & Innovation

Research Field Area :-  Commerce and Management ; Volume 5, Issue 8, No. of Pages: 12 

Your Research Paper Id :- 2020080213

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The most cited definition of brand loyalty is probably the one made by Jacoby and Chestnut (1978, p.80): “The biased, behavioral response, expressed over time, by some decision-making unit, with respect to one or more alternative brands out of a set of such brands, and is a function of psychological processes”. Selling to brand loyal customers is less costly than converting new customers (Reicheld and Teal, 2001). Loyalty reduces the sensitivity of consumers to marketplace offerings, which gives the company time to respond to competitive moves (Aaker, 1991). In addition, brand loyal customers are less price sensitive ( Raj and Krishnamurthi, 1988). Due to all of these factors, managers must realize the importance of brand loyalty and give it sufficent consideration in their decisions. Cosmetics refers to all of the products to care for and clean the human body and make it more beautiful. The main goal of such products is to maintain the body in a good condition, protect it from the effects of the enviroment and aging process, change the appearence and make the body smell nicer (Finansal Forum Cosmetics Sector, Special Issue, 1997).

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References :-

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