The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Empowering Visually Impaired Students: A Comprehensive Overview

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Journal type:- NJRIP-National Journal of Research and Innovative Practices

Research Field Area :-  Department of Education ; Volume 10, Issue 2, No. of Pages: 15 

Your Research Paper Id :- 202501021708

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Abstraction :-

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to significantly improve educational experiences for blind and visually impaired students. Through personalized learning, assistive technologies, and accessibility tools, AI can provide students with the resources they need to excel academically. This paper explores the different applications of AI that can aid in the learning process for blind students, highlighting key innovations in AI-powered tools, platforms, and devices.

This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in empowering visually impaired students. It explores the diverse applications of AI-driven tools and technologies that address the unique challenges faced by these students in accessing education and information. The paper examines how AI-powered solutions, such as screen readers, text-to-speech converters, object recognition apps, and AI-based navigation systems, facilitate independent learning, enhance communication, and promote inclusivity in academic settings.

Keywords :- 

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Visual Impairments, Accessibility.

References :-

1. Ainsworth, S., & McLoughlin, D. (2020). The role of AI in assistive technology for the visually impaired. Assistive Technology, 32(4), 242-254.
2. Hornsby, B., & O’Neill, J. (2019). AI and the future of inclusive education: A framework for accessible learning. Journal of Educational Technology, 58(6), 1050-1062.
3. Shneyderman, L., & Delman, A. (2021). AI-based text-to-speech and its impact on education for the blind. Journal of Disability and Technology, 25(3), 121-130.
4. Smith, L. (2022). Advancements in braille technology: How AI is reshaping tactile learning. Journal of Assistive Devices, 16(1), 75-88.