Role of an Educator to be a Game Changer

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Author Name :- Swati Tyagi,,

Journal type:- NJRIP-National Journal of Research and Innovative Practices

Research Field Area :-  Department of Education ; Volume 5, Issue 7, No. of Pages: 8 

Your Research Paper Id :- 2020070110

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Abstraction :-

A classroom manager is a term used to portray a teacher who adopts a procedure whereby she/he employs a specific arrangement that is meant to manage the classroom, including daily lessons, students’ behaviour, co-curricular activities etc in a planned and a structured way. A teacher is a person who teaches, guides, influences and along with it also efficiently manages a classroom. As an educator, you should remember that successful teaching and learning, that is the one of the one and only purposes behind teaching, cannot take place in an unsystematic, unmanaged classroom. If the students are unmanageable, rude and chaotic, with no rules governing their behaviour and no clear organization of classroom resources- teaching and learning both on the part of the learners and the educators becomes really complicated. On the contrary, a well organized and planned classroom shows an environment that allows the processes of teaching and learning to succeed. A well organized classroom allows learning and development in all its true spirit to take place. Teachers are liable for maintaining a positive learning atmosphere in the classroom. Managing a classroom is not an easy job. A classroom that is out of control yields lower accomplishment for students and high burnout rates for educators. Educators must employ structure, build up positive student interaction and take immediate action when indiscipline occurs. Maintaining control from the beginning provides a foundation for effective classroom management.

Keywords :- 

culture of caring, student teacher relationship, accountability, communication skills, listening skills, organization skills

References :-

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