edusanchar How To Publish Paper2

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Research Paper Preparation


IJCRI/NJRIP  Can be any of Following :

  • Research Paper
  • Case Studies
  • Analytical papers
  • Review Article
  • Argumentative papers
  • Manuscript/Articles
  • Survey research and data analysis


IJCRI/NJRIP Paper Format

Research papers Must be drafted in double column standard paper format (.doc/.docx). In case paper have technical equations and not possible to format in double column format, you can format in Single Column format. Download the IJCRI/NJRIP paper format (MS-Word) template and submit your research paper for review/final publishing.

 Download Paper Format Template

Download double column Format Template [PREVIEW]
Download Single column Paper Format Template [PREVIEW]

You can also send your Research Paper in MS Word and pdf format to our email Id –

Article Submission


There are two methods of paper submission:

  • By online submission: Visit submit your paper page
  • By E-mail: You can also send your manuscript directly to

If you have submitted the paper online then you will receive acknowledgement within few minutes of submission via email . It is suggested that you submit your paper online as it is a faster method and it directly input your paper in our database for further processing. In case of submission via email, the acknowledgement may take up to 2 working days.

Editorial Review


The submitted  research paper will be sent for double blinded peer review. Reviewers are usually scholars working in the same area with same specialization as the topic of the research paper. Based on the recommendation of reviewers editor will take decision and the decision will be communicated to the author. Decisions can be three types like accepted without revision, resubmit with major/minor revisions, rejected.

Note- Review Process usually takes 1-3 days, depending upon the subject of paper and availability of reviewers.

Editorial Feedback to Authors


After Editorial Review, Author is Notified with Following Status via e-Mail .

* Accept: “Which means Article is Accepted for Publication.”
* Accept with revision: “Just make some minor changes.”
* Revise and resubmit: “They’re still interested in you!”
* Reject and resubmit: Though not as good as revise and resubmit, “they still want the paper!”

For acceptance, the paper will be reviewed by the Peer committee i.e, Group of experts on the review committee, only if it fits with the criteria for acceptance, it will be accepted for publication.

Rejection: The paper gets rejected If does not meet the acceptance criteria i.e.

  • Lack of originality, novelty, significance
  • Flaws in writing, poorly formulated research questions
  • Language and spelling errors
  • Poorly presented visual elements
  • Unintentional ethical issues, plagiarism
  • Lack of adherence to journal submission guidelines
  • Other miscellaneous factors as reviewers deem fit

Publication Charge Payment & Copy-Right Form Submission


Publishing a manuscript in requires Article Processing Charges(APC) to be be paid by the submitting author upon acceptance of the manuscript prior to publication.

As well as permanent, immediate, and worldwide access to the full article text the APC covers:

  • Editorial work: peer review, administrative support, journal development.
  • Technical infrastructure and innovation: development, maintenance and operation of online journal system and websites.
  • Processing of articles: formatting and mark-up of articles and inclusion in indexing services.
  • Promotion of journal and content: making sure readers and authors know about the work published in the title.
  • Customer service: responding to authors and readers.

For Indian Authors For Indian Authors For Foreign Authors
Publication Fee  INR 1000  INR 800  USD 50
Benefits Online Publication,
Max 3 Authors,
Max 10 Pages,
Online Publication,
Max 3 Authors,
Max 10 Pages,
Online Publication,
Max 3 Authors,
Max 10 Pages,


By Net Banking :-

Name – Spirit Edutech Private Limited 

Account number – 35615720670

IFSC Code – SBIN0011311

Bank Deposit :- By depositing fees in near SBI bank branch. With the acceptance mail, author receives the account information. Anyone can deposit fees directly by going nearby SBI bank branch in Account number – 35615720670.

Copy-Right Form Submit –

Please Download   Copy-Right Form  ,Fill Completely & Sign it and Send Scan Copy of Copy-Right Form to

Original Content/material: Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the Publisher. Authors found to be deliberately contravening the submission guidelines on originality and exclusivity shall not be considered for future publication in this journal.

Article Published Online and Open Access to All


When the author has completed all the above prerequisites, the paper will get published Quickly within the time period of 2-3 Days.

All authors are given free digitally signed e-certificate on their registered emails once the paper is published.

Sharing and promoting your article-

Now that your article is published, you can promote it to make a bigger impact with your research. Sharing research, accomplishments and ambitions with a wider audience makes you more visible in your field. This helps you get cited more, enabling you to cultivate a stronger reputation, promote your research and move forward in your career.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”rhcustomsidebar”][/vc_column][/vc_row]