
Processing / Publication Charges

Publishing a manuscript in requires Article Processing Charges (APC) to be be paid by the submitting author upon acceptance of the manuscript prior to publication.The APC covers:

  • Editorial work: peer review, administrative support, journal development.
  • Technical infrastructure and innovation: development, maintenance and operation of online journal system and websites.
  • Processing of articles: formatting and mark-up of articles and inclusion in indexing services.
  • Promotion of journal and content: making sure readers and authors know about the work published in the title.
  • Customer service: responding to authors and readers.
  • Article Availability : Permanent, Immediate, and worldwide access to the full article text.

 For Indian AuthorsFor Indian AuthorsFor Foreign Authors
Publication Fee INR 1200 INR 800 USD 50
BenefitsOnline Publication,
Max 3 Authors,
Max 10 Pages,
Online Publication,
Max 3 Authors,
Max 10 Pages,
Online Publication,
Max 3 Authors,
Max 10 Pages,
Payment Pay OnlinePay Online
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Bank Account Details
Bank NameSBI Bank
Account NameSpirit Edutech Private Limited 
Account No35615720670
MICR Code324002004
IFSC CodeSBIN0011311
Account TypeCurrent Account

Bank Deposit :- By depositing fees in near SBI bank branch. With the acceptance mail, author receives the account information. Anyone can deposit fees directly by going nearby SBI bank branch in Account number – 35615720670.

NOTE: You will be asked to make the payment only after your paper has cleared the peer review process


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